Candidate For Bishop AME Zion Church 2024- Rev. Julian Pridgen

Hello, my name is Julian Pridgen and I'm a candidate for the Office of Bishop in our precious Zion. I was born and raised in a place called Whiteville, North Carolina, a small southeastern farming community situated in the coastal plains of the state. When it pertains to church, my household's origins are deeply planted in the St. Mark AME Zion Church, Whiteville, where the Pridgen name is engraved in the keystone of that structure today.

My love for Christ and the church is longstanding as I've offered the church from a little kid as an acolyte, usher, aide superintendent of the church school, Christian education and learning, pastor, and much more. After finishing secondary school, I signed up with the USA Marine Corps, where I remained up until my retirement. And while in the Marine Corps, I accepted the call to preach and offered Zion churches in the southwestern Delta Episcopal District and eastern North Carolina.

For many years, I've completely appreciated serving together with the people of Zion as we've done the work of the Lord together. And I've been fortunate to offer a number of progressive and growing congregations that stay fantastic assets to their areas also today. With each other, we paid off financial obligations early, earlier than anticipated.

We've gotten acres of land to include a entire city block plus. And in each circumstance, we've engaged in community-related issues that involved issues of oppression and bigotry. As I've aided having a hard time individuals, we aided having a hard time individuals get on track and aided others preserve their lives and also expand in their stroll with God.

On one occasion, I keep in mind opening the church doors as we connected with the regional family court system, the department of social solutions, the women and young boys club. And in the annex of that church, professionals and worried community members offered parenting classes to having a hard time parents that had entered difficulty with the regulation. It was a beautiful point to see the church at the center of community collaborating to meet the community demand.

I can state extra regarding my very own experiences to include getting a telephone call from the USA White House as they were exploring unscrupulous politicians in the community. And our regional AME Zion church was advised as a relied on valuable source for that examination. I could state extra regarding my work with Battle each other Divinity College and my association with flourishing in ministry or work sponsored by Battle each other and the Lilly Structure.

I could additionally state even more regarding my precious ecumenical connections, yet I'm here today to state to you that I dream for our church as we relocate into the future. It is my hope that we are constantly coming to be a emotionally and physically wholesome church, understanding and standing for God as the adherents of Jesus Christ. I'm optimistic regarding the future of our church and think that we can prosper through reliable interaction to include small team discussions at every level of the church, useful review for the purposes of sharing and taking on best techniques that can aid us much more, be much more reliable adherents of Jesus Christ and stewards of Zion Methodism.

I'm very thinking about looking for means to give even more support to priests and their families. And I am very knowledgeable about the vigor of an impressive laypeople and regional church as the laypeople and regional church are the lifeline to the Zion link. I'm married to the brilliant, beautiful, productive, and task-oriented Deborah Register Pridgen, and we have 2 adult children, Julian and Christian, and Christian lately blessed us with Javante, our initial grandchild.

Ultimately, I think absolutely that it is the word of God that has actually been and will be the only point that conserves and maintains the church. So wish the church. Wish Zion.

Wish those people on this journey. My name again, Julian Pridgen, prospect for bishop, as I solicit your self-confidence and ballot. The peace of Christ be with you.

Pridgen For AME Zion Bishop 2024
Candidate for Bishop 2024
Julian Pridgen For Bishop
